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Summer 1 2018

It has been an incredible few weeks as two of our five schools within the Trust both had their Ofsted inspections – simultaneously!  Having two teams with 11 inspectors across two days on sites a mile apart was a challenge.  It is not an experience I wish to relive in a hurry!

I am delighted, however, to announce the official outcomes of both reports.  Aspley Lane received a Good judgement overall with an Outstanding judgement for Leadership and Management, Student Welfare, Personal Development and Guidance. For me these words sum up the highlight:


“The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding. The efforts of staff to break down barriers to pupils’ learning and provide high-quality support are exemplary. Some pupils who would otherwise find learning difficult thrive in the school”.


Wollaton Park received an incredible Outstanding in every category!  Inspectors’ were unbelievably impressed by what they saw and were full of praise for the school.  My favourite quote from the report is:


Inclusivity is at the heart of every aspect of the school’s work. There is a culture of acceptance and integration of every pupil. Many pupils explained to inspectors that, ‘Everyone is embraced for who they are’.


I am of course delighted that the hard work of so many has been valued and externally verified.  I know full well how amazing the staff and students are at both of these schools… and now everyone else does too!

What stood out to me most however, were not the phenomenal outcomes, but watching the staff teams come together to drive the best possible results for the school and students. They were amazing.  Staff gave up time off in order to support their team, they brought cakes in for one another, cancelled events at home, came in off maternity leave and one member of staff even decided not to attend a funeral to support his team.  These actions speak volumes to me, of a staff body who are 100% committed and always have been, to go the extra mile to support both their teams and the students for whom they care deeply. Congratulations everyone!


Written: June 2018

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