Members & Trustees

Kate Hodson

Kate has 23 years’ experience in education, with 14 of those years as a Head Teacher and an Executive Head Teacher. Kate is currently the Head Teacher in a new Free School in Lincolnshire. Kate is passionate about children learning through first hand experiences, and preparing children for the wider world. Kate has used her own visits to schools in China, Sweden and Jordan to further enhance curriculum provision for the children in her own schools. As an LLE, Kate uses her wealth of experience to provide support to other schools and leaders. Kate also leads some training in Lincolnshire, to develop the use of TA support for all children and when leading SEND reviews is able to further promote equality of provision for children in schools. In her spare time, Kate loves spending time with her family and friends, and squeezing in as many visits to the west-end theatres as possible during school holidays!

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