

Our trust has three clear layers of Governance:

  • Members
  • Trustees
  • Local Academy Advisory Boards

The legal accountable body for  Archway Learning Trust is the board of trustees. They are responsible to the Secretary of State for Education for the effectiveness of each of the trust academies. Trustees have established one local advisory board for each academy, with a key role to provide local input into safeguarding, standards and stakeholder engagement and to review alignment with the vision, values and strategic aims of our Trust, underpinned by our Christian ethos. This approach enables academies to be and anchor in their communities and for Advisory Board members to be a significant and valued partner in the life of their academy.

All those involved in the three layers of governance are provided with regular access to continual professional development through our membership of The Key for Governors and Confederation School Trusts (CST).

The Trust delegates certain responsibilities and powers to Trust Board Committees and to our  local Academy Advisory Boards under a Scheme of Delegation and Terms of Reference.

This can be viewed here:

ALT Governance, Scheme of Delegation & Terms of Reference 

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